Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I think the powerpoint for Social Media was actually very imformative. What i find really interesting is that besides using facebook/twitter or any other type of website there is another way to reach out your opinions and your favorite subject without using facebook. What i mean is with social media you can have a huge subject in common wit someone far away and it wont be creepy because social media is for everybody. Plus on facebook you wold have to add ppl to be able to talk wit them. But in this way for example blogging you can just say something and anybody could have a like or dislike to w.e you said. It's completely open minded and its great! Prezi has the right idea when it comes to displaying the main idea of social meadia!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

FINALLY!!! Te time has come for the new Assassin's Creed game to come out. I been waiting for this for awhile so i hope this wont be a huge dissapointment. Already seen lots of videos displaying the gameplay and to be honest whoever gets in my way during the online multiplayer player is gonna be a goner because i am taking no prisoners. So for all those fellow Assassin Creed fans i'll see ya on the battlefield n good luck because your gna need it when your up against me!

Friday, November 12, 2010


So idk where it all started but one day i was talking with my friend walshie about random stuff and we suddenly started talking about how sick it would be to have a crossbow. But the discussion made me think that maybe a crossbow woldnt be ithe ideal weapon because you manuely have to reload it bu then the question came up: Do you manualy reload your crossbow or are there crossbows that can reload themselves. It's actually a good question and an interesting topic to talk about. If anyone can answer this question with a good example of a crossbow product then that would actually be most appreciated!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In my opinion i think formspring is just a HUGE waste of time. Formspring is like any excuse to be start rumors, drama, problems and in general people are so immature that they dont really say nice things about whoever just cause its annonamys. Some people think its an excuse to be an asshole to one another and there right but i just dont see the point. I wanna know why do people even make a formspring and who even came up with it...