Friday, October 15, 2010

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

Its almost time for the release of the new assassin's creed game. I wish time would go by faster because i legit cannot wait for this came to come out. Im a huge fan of assassin's cred every since i played it. I played assassin's creed 2 first and i was completely in love with it. Then i played the first one and it was alright but not very good, i still liked it though and now the third game is coming and im hoping it will be ALOT better than Assassin's Creed 2. I heard the new moves are intense and new abilities such as throwing your weapons at enemies is included. Also the comba is ferosious and fast. New people are coming into the game and i wanna know what happens next in the storyline because its good enough to catch my intention. For example if this was a book i would actually read it and enjoy it. I also heard there adding two-player mode which really is such a good idea. Now i can kill everyone thats in my way (including my friends) and show of my awesome assassin's skills. I'll make sure no one can touch in the game. gata love Assassin's Creed!!!!!!!!!!!

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